
My fun interests

heres my page, myabout page

heres Kahot, not KahootKahot

hres where I test stuff outTesting

these is links to all of my social mediasfollo,fiend,Sub, do all.!

Heres how to get to a new page with pics of a beast.Click this to see a furry soft beast

thisis how to get to my artwork pageclick to see my artwork I spent 15 minutes making

if you wanna go to areas by clicking pictures click here

hres your way to see all the secrets on this website, only click if can't find any secrets Only If no secrets foud

down below over here is my about section

Hello, I am Electromang101 on youtube and this is my website. I started today also known as dec, 1, 2022. Minecraft, cats, and legos are the first things I think of when i think of things I like. I am 11 and don't like adult things like alcahol and stuff, so yeah.Ive had my cat for about a year and a half. I started this website as a bet to my sister, I had trouble with the tautorial and got stuck twice until I just skipped it and learned from what i got and from my older sister, Aka the one I made the bet with. My minecraft cat is cute and great and bell. the names not very fitting, because the cats white and orange, but I don't care that much.My sister and dad sell perfumes in my basement maybe I'll add a link to their website, anyways thats some facts about me